The Books are Off To The Printer!
2 days ago
– Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 01:36:35 PM
And about time, I hear you all say. Well, it took longer to put together than we'd thought. On several of the older books we're reprinting, we discovered that the system NO LONGER SUPPORTED THE FONTS THE BOOK WAS LETTERED IN! Ay-yi-yi! That is one of those things you just can't prep for before you open the vaults. But everything has been relettered, and we took the opportunity to add in things like page numbers that we miiigght have skipped back in 2002, and they're all looking mighty good.
So there we are. As always, thank you for your patience!
Girl Genius Volume 21: An Entertainment in Londinium update for January 2025
about 1 month ago
– Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 08:25:48 PM
Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! We’ve been very busy, and still haven’t taken down our Christmas tree.
I have to apologize; I have once again misjudged how long it would take to get the new books printed. It’s now looking like we will be shipping in March 2025. I’ll keep you all updated on our progress. I’m very sorry about the delay.
Our current medals campaign is ending on Fri, January 17 at 11:59 PM PST. That’s the commemorative medals for Volumes 20 and 21, as well as our Cat Royalty medals. When that ends, I have to set up the pins and patches BackerKit store, and include all the extra medals from earlier campaigns. (Don’t worry, that won’t delay anything with the Volume 21 printing or shipping!)
In other news, we recently regained the publishing rights the the Girl Genius novels! This is good since we now have two more written. We are looking at self-publishing those in the next few years. Right now, we’re in the "learn as much about editing, laying out, and publishing prose novels as we can" stage. It sounds like a huge amount of work, but it’s also exciting and a chance to learn a lot of new things. So I think we’ll have fun.
Finally, On the weekend of February 21-23, Phil and I will be in Chicago for Magic Con: a huge Magic The Gathering event. Long long ago, we painted a bunch of cards for the game, and the players apparently haven’t forgotten us. So nice of them! If you’re a Magic player and will be at the con, come by and visit us!
Thank you all for your patience, again, I’m so sorry about the delay in shipping. I can’t wait to see the new books, so this is frustrating for many reasons.
I’ll be back with more news soon! Thank you—
Girl Genius Volume 21: An Entertainment in Londinium files are prepping, and the campaign medal is live!
2 months ago
– Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 02:41:48 PM
Hello everyone! There isn't a lot of news this month, the Girl Genius Volume 21 files are almost ready to go to the printer, and all the things that go into the Envelopes of Madness have now arrived safely. We're setting up a big table in the packing room where the cats can't go, and we'll very soon be stuffing envelopes like little elves.
The Campaign Medals for Volumes 20 and 21 are now on Kickstarter!
While all that's going on, we have launched the long-promised medals campaign! It has just gone live and will run until mid-January, but right now there's a small "Early Bird" level. That will stay live until we fund, or for two days, if it takes that long. Since we always had trouble shipping medals with books, our new plan is to alternate the campaigns. While books are being created and shipped, we do the campaign medal campaign, and while medals are being manufactured and shipped, we'll do the book campaign. I hope it works out, it's an experiment!
We didn't have time to do a proper campaign medal for Vol. 20, so it's here too, but from now on I'm going to try to do the medal for a book each time there's a book at the printer. I'm just playing catch-up this time!
Ok everyone, thank you so much! I'll be back when there's more to tell!
Backerkit pledge manager emails for Girl Genius Volume 21: An Entertainment in Londinium have now been sent!
3 months ago
– Thu, Nov 07, 2024 at 02:57:44 PM
Hello everyone!
I have now sent out all the BackerKit pledge manager invitations! If you backed for physical rewards, please watch for yours. It will go to the email that you used to pledge to the Kickstarter campaign. Please remember that you need to fill out the pledge manager to get your rewards!
After I sent out the "smoke test" emails, I found a few boxes of collector’s hardcovers in our inventory, so we now have listings for collector’s hardcovers for volumes 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and of course the new volume 21. If you’ve already filled out your pledge manager but want one of those, you can still go back and add it. I’m sorry for the last-minute addition.
If you missed the Kickstarter campaign or have friends who did, I will be opening up the BackerKit store soon.
The digital extras for this campaign were sent long ago: PDF links were sent from DriveThruComics on May 7, 2024, and the Wallpaper links were posted here on the campaign in the May 3, 2024 update.
And finally, while I waited for the smoke test to clear, I worked on setting up my next project: some fantastical medals, including campaign medals for the last two volumes! It’s not ready to go yet, but I’ll very soon have a "let me know when this project goes live" link. Of course I’ll mention it here when that happens.
Thank you all for your patience!
October Update for Girl Genius Volume 21: An Entertainment in Londinium
4 months ago
– Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 07:41:02 PM
Happy Halloween, everyone! I’m going to keep this short:
Please watch for the BackerKit pledge manager invitation late this week and early next week. I’ll be hitting the button probably sometime tomorrow. I have to start with a "smoke test," which means that the system sends out a small percentage of emails, and then if there are no problems, we send the rest. At that point, I think the system sends the emails out in waves. I’ll come back here to tell you when I’m sure it’s all up and running, so you can expect to hear from me soon.
For those International backers from the Volume 20 campaign who chose to combine their shipment with Volume 21: When you log in to the pledge manager, you will see that I went in and added your rewards from last time to your current rewards. I also credited your account for the amount of shipping you paid last time. Overall you are saving a lot on shipping!
Ok, I'm going to get back to work now. I'll be back soon with more information, but I wanted to get an update out before the end of the month!
Thank you!